Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Future of Cloud Computing in India

India has the highest rate of adoption for Mobile. And the adoption drove the big players in the local and international market to have their presence in the Indian Mobile Operators space. In a similar way you will soon see various service providers for Cloud Computing emerging and it is going to be the next big wave after the Mobile era. 

If you take a deep look at the Cloud Computing technology, it is nothing but providing IT related resources such as computing, storage, Network, system security, application, platform as a service. These services are charged based on the usage. Usage-based pricing is not something new to us and our Mobile, Telephone, Internet and Electricity follows the same pricing model.

Scarcity of Resources

India as a country with a huge population base has never been given adequate resources to embrace innovation. The case is even worse if you are an individual who wants to gain access to the latest technologies for your research and development needs. Cloud Computing addresses this challenge to a great extent and provides access to the necessary IT resources to satisfy your IT needs in an affordable way.


In today's world, new business opportunities heavily depend on their IT infrastructure availability. Cloud computing technology in India will dramatically change the way we compute. 

Some of the obvious segments that can directly reap the benefits are listed below:

  • Schools, Colleges & Universities - Embrace R&D and provide access to the latest technologies at an affordable price.
  • New Innovative Business Firms - Start-ups need not invest for their IT infrastructure cost and consume as their business grows. In fact, you can run your business on the Cloud J with an office at home.
  • Long Tail Business Units - A small petty shop can use a CRM available on the Cloud to send SMS greetings to their customers.
  • Multimedia Content Providers - Multimedia digital content can be distributed to various consumers for a lower price.
  • Telco (Network Operators) - Becomes the Cloud Computing technology provider, We have already seen TATA Communications is investing heavily on IaaS business.

I am sure there are many more innovative segments that are going to be discovered and soon you will see that all your desktops, laptops are going to vanish and you will walk around with a lightweight device such as an iPhone or Sixth Sense (Pranav Mistry's innovation) and all your computing a storage will be outsourced to a Cloud Computing Provider. 

Our country's network infrastructure could be slow it down, but we should soon be fine with the help of 3G adoption in the network space.

The economics of the cloud, the rise of the mobile workforce and the consumerization of IT are making the transformation to the cloud a foregone conclusion within enterprise IT. But not every company, organization or government agency is necessarily keeping up. Are you?

1 comment:

  1. Since this sort of hosting services helps to share resources, it reduces the overall cost of the company. Organizations also have freedom to allocate resources and demand for more bandwidth whenever required. Apart from this consistent performance and complete control over configurations are some other notable features which most companies would love to have.

    Cloud Hosting India
